Acceleration Symbol

The arrow indicates the quantity acceleration is a vector quantity.


  • The Second Friedmann Equation

    The Second Friedmann Equation

    The Second Friedmann Equation describes the acceleration or deceleration of the expansion (or contraction). It describes the forces pushing or pulling on the expansion. 

  • Hubble Tension

    Hubble Tension

    In our universe, a Constant is a value that remains constant throughout space and throughout time. The Gravitational Constant, G, for example – so far as we can tell – remains regardless of when or where the measurement takes place. So too…

  • Angular Momentum

    Angular Momentum

    Angular Momentum is the rotational analog of linear momentum. It is denoted by the lowercase omega symbol in particle physics.  It may also be denoted elsewhere by the symbol as in: ; Where is mass; is velocity; and, is radius.